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دانلود 3 کتاب ارزشمند گشایش انگلیسی Grandmaster Repertoire - The English Opening Volume 1-2-3

اختصاصی از یارا فایل دانلود 3 کتاب ارزشمند گشایش انگلیسی Grandmaster Repertoire - The English Opening Volume 1-2-3 دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پرسرعت .

دانلود 3 کتاب ارزشمند گشایش انگلیسی Grandmaster Repertoire - The English Opening Volume 1-2-3

دانلود 3 کتاب ارزشمند گشایش انگلیسی Grandmaster Repertoire  - The English Opening Volume 1-2-3


سه کتاب مفید در مورد بازی انگلیسی در یک فایل فشرده برای دانلود قرار دادیم

Grandmaster Repertoire 3 - The English Opening Volume 1.pdf

Chess Grandmaster Mihail Marin offers a complete White repertoire with 1.c4, the English Opening, in three volumes. The theory is state-of-the-art with many novelties suggested, but most useful of all are Marin’s lucid explanations of how to play the resulting positions.

Volume One covers all lines after 1.c4 e5.

Grandmaster Repertoire 4 - The English Opening Volume 2.pdf

Chess Grandmaster Mihail Marin offers a complete White repertoire with 1.c4, the English Opening, in three volumes. The theory is state-of-the-art with many novelties suggested, but most useful of all are Marin’s lucid explanations of how to play the resulting positions.

Volume Two covers all Black’s replies to 1.c4 except 1...e5 and 1..c5.

Grandmaster Repertoire 5 - The English Opening Volume 3.pdf


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