آموزش سیسیلی با تغییرات اصلی
توسط جان واتسون
فرمت : mp4
تعداد ویدئو: 5
زمان آموزش: 3 ساعت 6 دقیقه
محصول: ICC
Building Black's opening repertoire against 1.e4 can't avoid the most famous and played defense of all time: The Sicilian Defense. Gm Jonathan Rowson writes about the Sicilian defense: "To my mind there is quite a straightforward explanation. In order to profit from the initiative granted by the first move, White has to make use of his opportunity to do something before Black has an equal number of opportunities of his own. However, to do this, he has to make 'contact' with the black position. The first point of contact usually comes in the form of a pawn exchange, which leads to the opening of the position. So the thought behind 1...c5 is this: OK, I'll let you open the position, and develop your pieces aggressively, but at a price – you have to give me one of your center pawns." IM John Watson, in this fantastic series, goes through all the main variations of this super-studied, yet greatly fascinating opening.