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دانلود پاورپوینت Solubility of metal hydroxides, and amphoteric behavior

اختصاصی از یارا فایل دانلود پاورپوینت Solubility of metal hydroxides, and amphoteric behavior دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود پاورپوینت Solubility of metal hydroxides, and amphoteric behavior

دانلود پاورپوینت Solubility of metal hydroxides, and amphoteric behavior

Kso= [Fe3+] [OH-]3 =  10-39

Solubilities of metal hydroxides:

  If one leaves an orange solution of a ferric salt to stand, after a while it will clear, and an orange precipitate of Fe(OH)3(s) will form. The extent to which Fe3+ can exist in solution as a function of pH can be calculated from the solubility product, Kso. For Fe(OH)3(s) the expression for Kso is given by:

  Kso  =  [Fe3+] [OH-]3  =  10-39     [2]

  One thus finds that the maximum concentration of Fe3+ in solution is controlled by pH, as detailed on the next slide.

  Note that we need [OH-] in expression 2, which is obtained from the pH from equation 3.

  pKw    =  pH  +     pOH  =   14  [3]

  Thus, if the pH is 2, then pOH = 12, and so on. pOH is related to [OH-] in the same way as pH is related to [H+].

  pH  =  -log [H+]  [4]

  pOH  =  -log [OH-]  [5]

  So, to calculate the maximum concentration of [ Fe3+ ] at pH 6.4, we use eqs. [3] to [5] to calculate that at pH 6.4, pOH = 7.6, so that [OH-] = 10-7.6 M. This is then used in equation [2] to calculate that [Fe3+] is given by:

 Problem. What is the maximum [Fe3+] at pH 6.4?

  From the previous page, at pH 6.4 we have [OH-] = 10-7.6 M. Thus, putting [OH-] = 10-7.6 M into equation 2, we get:

  10-39     =   [ Fe3+ ]  x  [ 10-7.6 ]3

  [ Fe3+]   =   10-39 / 10-22.8  =  10-16 M

  Note that for a metal ion Mn+ of valence n that forms a solid hydroxide precipitate M(OH)n, the equation has the [OH-] raised to the power n. For example:

     Pb2+ forms Pb(OH)2(s):    Kso = 10-14.9 =  [Pb2+] [OH-]2

     Th4+ forms Th(OH)4(s):     Kso = 10-50.7 =  [Th4+] [OH-]4

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دانلود پاورپوینت Solubility of metal hydroxides, and amphoteric behavior
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