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مقاله مکتب فرایند مدیریت

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مقاله مکتب فرایند مدیریت

مقاله مکتب فرایند مدیریت

لینک پرداخت و دانلود در "پایین مطلب"

فرمت فایل: word (قابل ویرایش و آماده پرینت)
تعداد صفحات:8

Whether under the banner of community participation, decentralization or teacher empowerment, school-based management has been on the educational reform agenda for decades. Now it is gaining support as a means to improve school performance. But the specific process by which SBM is supposed to lead to performance improvement has received little attention and efforts to achieve that goal have been hit-and-miss.

So far, there is scant evidence that schools get better just because decisions are made by those closer to the classroom. That deceptively simple change in how schools are managed and governed, as attractive as it is to many teachers, principals and parents, turns out to be rather meaningless unless it is part of a focused, even passionate, quest for improvement. School-based decision-making is one aspect of systemic school reform--an approach to improving schools that also includes changing instruction, curriculum, the institutional web that surrounds schools to achieve an integrated focus on the outcomes of education.

In fact, the absence of a clearly defined set of instructional goals tends to slow the progress of even the governance changes SBM is supposed to deliver. The changes tend to occur on paper only, without engaging the support or enthusiasm of those who must carry them out. This also has been seen in the private sector, which has increasingly adopted the tenets of decentralized decision-making to invigorate production or improve service delivery. When decentralized management was thought of solely as a way to help employees feel better about their jobs, it gained little support from managers or workers. But when employees and managers were asked to rethink their relationships and their involvement to achieve

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