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کتاب شطرنج دفاع بنونی در عمل The Czech Benoni in Action

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کتاب شطرنج دفاع بنونی در عمل The Czech Benoni in Action

کتاب شطرنج دفاع بنونی در عمل The Czech Benoni in Action

دانلود کتاب شطرنج دفاع بنونی در عمل 

The Czech Benoni in Action

نویسنده استاد و مربی ارشد فید آسا هافمن Asa Hoffmann

فرمت pdf

تعداد صفحات 204

نسخه اورجینال با قابلیت کپی و چاپ

انتشارات BOSTON بوستون 2014

با طرح ایده هایی جدید برای سفید و سیاه

قسمت آخر کتاب شامل  تاکتیک های بنونی

کتابی مفید و ارزشمند با آموزش و آشنایی کامل طرح ها و ایدها و نقاط ضعف و قوت دفاع بنونی با مهره سفید و سیاه

سیستم ضد حمله کمتر شناخته شده

تمرکز بر روی ایده های استراتژیک به جای توده تغییرات

Had enough of the same old queen’s pawn openings? Afraid of losing just because you forgot White’s latest move 23 novelty in the main lines? Tired of giving up draws to weaker players who’ve learned how to drain the life out of Black’s major defenses to 1.d4? If so, then the Czech Benoni (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e5!?) may be exactly what you need. In The Czech Benoni in Action, two practitioners of this little-known but sound counterattacking system join forces to show how you can pose novel problems for opponents of all strengths, leaving them to fend for themselves as early as move 3. Flank gambits, deep behind-the-lines maneuvering, and wildly unbalanced positions are the norm here. Focusing on strategic ideas rather than masses of variations, and using complete games to show how the themes persist even into the ending, the authors survey White’s common responses and explain how to handle attempts

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فیلم آموزشی شطرنج دفاع بنونی An ambitious setup against the Benoni

اختصاصی از یارا فایل فیلم آموزشی شطرنج دفاع بنونی An ambitious setup against the Benoni دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پرسرعت .

فیلم آموزشی شطرنج دفاع بنونی An ambitious setup against the Benoni

فیلم آموزشی شطرنج دفاع بنونی An ambitious setup against the Benoni

An ambitious setup against the Benoni

فیلم آموزشی شطرنج دفاع بنونی
زمان 1 ساعت 
آموزش کامل دفاع بنونی و طرح های شروع بازی و وسط بازی
دفاع بنونی -گشایشهای شطرنج
The Benoni Defence is an active opening for Black and it is one which is enjoying a comeback. White players have always found it difficult to tame the opponent's dynamics in positions where Black can fall back on his active pieces and the queenside pawn majority. The topic of this 60 minute video clip is the major idea of the 8.h3 0-0 9.Bd3 line (after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.Nc3 exd5 5.cxd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.Nf3 Bg7). It has not won much love among defenders of the Benoni - White players are coming dangerously close to realising the dream of squeezing the opponent. Meeting the promising setup is a matter of heated on-going dispute as not every player is happy with Black's main line with the immediate 9…b5. Well prepared lovers of the Benoni can still find ways of coming close to equality, but the initiative remains firmly in the hand of White. Slovakian GM Lubomir Ftacnik presents all the important ideas of the defence and reveals ways of putting pressure on Black. Anybody looking for a solid, promising and well defined opening system against the Benoni will find lots of carefully selected information. All Black's key defensive ideas are analysed, evaluated and supplemented with a database with the most important games.

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