عنوان تحقیق:iq,sq,eq test
تعادا صفحه:10
نوع فایل:فایل قابل ویرایش است ورد word
زبان تحقیق:انگلیسی
قسمتی از مطالب تحقیق
- SQ.EQ Test
IQ and EQ give way to spiritual intelligence, the ultimate intelligence that can add value and meaning to your life
For long, the world gave much importance to Intelligence Quotient. "My son has an IQ of 210!" the proud mother would gush. "He's going to be a scientist." This attitude is a legacy of the early 20th century when psychologists devised tests to measure intelligence. These tests primarily measured intellectual or rational intelligence (used to solve logical problems). The higher the figure, the belief went, the greater the intelligence.
In mid-1990s, Daniel Goleman revealed findings in neuroscience and psychology that stressed the importance of Emotional Quotient (EQ). This makes us aware of our feelings and that of others. It gives empathy, motivation, compassion and an ability to respond skillfully to pleasure and pain. Goleman argued that EQ was a basic requirement for the use of IQ. If the areas of our brain that feel are damaged, our ability to think effectively is diminished.
Last year, however, authors Dana Zohar and Ian Marshall introduced a new dimension to human intelligence. Spiritual Quotient (or SQ) is the ultimate intelligence, they claim. This is the intelligence used to solve problems of meaning and value. "Is my job giving me the fulfillment I seek?" "Am I relating to the people in my life in a way that contributes to their happiness and mine?" Answers to these questions determine whether we will find happiness or not. IQ and EQ are inadequate in such issues. "Spiritual intelligence," explains Ram Mohan, a Vedanta teacher, "is about the growth of a human being. It is about moving on in life................ادامه در فایل اصلی.
تحقیقiq,sq,eq test