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پاورپوینت ANDO

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پاورپوینت ANDO

پاورپوینت ANDO


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تعداد اسلاید : 7 صفحه

Tadao AndoChurch of the Light Church of the Light Thesis Statement: The development of reinforced concrete enabled contemporary structures to have a variety of forms, ranging from simple to more complex.
Consequently, in order for the structures to look simple, the complexity of the structural engineering is heightened.
Background of Ando Born in Osaka, Japan 1941 Self-trained architect Traveled Europe, Africa, US Early Influences Corbusier, Alto, FLW, Kahn His innovative concrete construction was influenced by early Japanese carpentry traditions 1995 won Pritzker Prize for Church of the Light Church of the Light Social: His use of materials accommodated the town of Osaka’s economical restraints Scientific: With the advent of “Ando Concrete” which was much more dense, enabled less material to be used and it efficiently carried the same loads Symbolic: His minimalist approach to architecture creates a kind of purity and elegance in which light and darkness guides the viewer, and is able to evoke emotions Candela’s Church of San Jose Obrero Social: Through his discovery of the hyperbolic paraoboloid he efficiently reused the shell forms in which they required a small amount of material Scientific: A HP’s symmetry makes it possible for a more simplified behavior within the structure, and in turn, allows the loads to act more efficiently Symbolic: These shells were formed using straight lines, in turn making the construction of the wooden forms easy, “the result consists of elegantly curved forms that can be quite sensuous” Ando versus Candela Ando Candela -Surface quality -complexity of form -structure one can - mathematics to create w/material create form vs.. at simplest form experimentation -Allowing light to - Taking thinness reveal the true to new limits structure and encompassed his experience concept for structures “I hoped this project would raise an issue against the current tendency.
I tried to see to what extent an affluent space could be created with the minimum budget in an era flooded with goods and materials.” .

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پاورپوینت ANDO