(First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 (2016
ناشر: (2016) McGraw-Hill Education
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توضیحات ناشر:
With the 26th edition of First Aid for the USMLE Step 1, we continue our commitment to providing students with
the most useful and up-to-date preparation guide for the USMLE Step 1. This edition represents an outstanding
revision in many ways, including:
50+ entirely new facts, including a new section on quality improvement principles and safety science.
Hundreds of major fact updates culled from more than 100,000 comments and suggestions.
Extensive text revisions, new mnemonics, clarifcations, and corrections curated by a team of more than 30
student authors who excelled on their Step 1 examinations and verifed by a team of expert faculty advisors and
nationally recognized USMLE instructors.
Updated with more than 250 new or revised full-color photos to help visualize various disorders, descriptive
fndings, and basic science concepts. Labeled and captioned photographs have been optimized to aid retention
by engaging visual memory in a manner complementary to mnemonics.
Updated with dozens of new and revised diagrams. We continue to expand our collaboration with USMLE-Rx
(MedIQ Learning, LLC) to develop and enhance illustrations with improved information design to help
students integrate pathophysiology, therapeutics, and diseases into memorable frameworks for annotation and
Thicker, embossed cover and heavy-duty binding for increased durability and longevity.
A revised exam preparation guide with updated data from the NBME and NRMP. The guide also features new
high-yield techniques for effcient and effective test preparation. The updated supplemental guide for IMGs,
osteopathic and podiatry students, and students with a disability can be found at our blog, www.frstaidteam.com.
An updated summary guide to student-recommended USMLE Step 1 review resources, including mobile
apps for iOS and Android. The full resource guide with detailed descriptions can be found at our blog,
Real-time Step 1 updates and corrections can also be found exclusively on our blog.
We invite students and faculty to share their thoughts and ideas to help us continually improve First Aid for the
USMLE Step 1 through our blog and collaborative editorial platform. (See How to Contribute, p. xvii.)
کتاب (First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 (2016