کتاب Therapeutic Applications of Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine زبان اصلی
حجم فایل: 2 مگابایت
Therapeutic Applications of Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine examines the applications of Monte Carlo (MC) calculations in therapeutic nuclear medicine, from basic principles to computer implementations of software packages and their applications in radiation dosimetry and treatment planning. With chapters written by recognized authorities in the field, the book covers the entire range of MC applications in therapeutic medical and health physics, from its use in imaging prior to therapy to dose distribution modeling in targeted radiotherapy. The contributors discuss the fundamental concepts of radiation dosimetry, radiobiological aspects of targeted radionuclide therapy, and the various components and steps required for implementing a dose calculation and treatment planning methodology in radioimmunotherapy. Several computer programs, such as MIRDOSE, MABDOS, and 3D-ID, are described and illustrated with some useful features and clinical applications. Other potential applications of MC techniques are discussed together with computing aspects of radiation transport calculations.
The book is written for nuclear medicine physicists and physicians as well as radiation oncologists, and can serve as a supplementary text for medical imaging, radiation dosimetry, and nuclear engineering graduate courses in science, medical, and engineering institutions
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کتاب Diagnostic Imaging: Nuclear Medicine زبان اصلی
ویرایش دوم
سال انتشار: 2016
حجم فایل: 59 مگابایت
A tactical guide for radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians, Diagnostic Imaging: Nuclear Medicine, Second Edition is practical, easy-to-use, and in-touch with the realities of multimodality diagnostic imaging. This comprehensive yet accessible reference addresses the most appropriate nuclear medicine options available to answer specific clinical questions within the framework of all imaging modalities. Sweeping updates include a complete reorganization, new differential diagnoses based on findings, and new chapters on physics and Nuclear Regulatory Commission guidelines. User-friendly bulleted text and a uniform chapter layout allow fast and effortless access to the crucial knowledge you need!