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تعداد صفحات:10
An Overview of the German System
of Education
The German education system provides different paths for students based on individual ability. Children enter the Grundschule at age 6, and students of all levels of ability remain together as a group through the fourth grade of Grundschule (sixth grade in two states). Following Grundschule, when most students are around 10 years old, the German school system tracks students of differing abilities and interests into different school forms. In spite of the far-reaching changes of the past 30 years, including the shift from elite to mass education, Germany?s traditional three-tiered system of education at the secondary level remains intact. In addition, support for this system remains strong among teachers, students, and parents of differing educational and social class backgrounds.
Grundschule teachers recommend their students to a particular school based on criteria such as academic achievement, potential, and personality characteristics, such as ability to work independently and self-confidence. However, in most states parents have the final say as to which school their child will track to following the fourth grade, and some parents go against the teacher's recommendation because they believe the higher level tracks offer their children more opportunities.In most states, students enter one of several school forms at the lower secondary level (which comprise of a pyramid of academic achievement).
The Hauptschule (grades 5-9 in most states) leads to receipt of the Hauptschule certificate and then to part-time enrollment in
مقاله The system of education in Europe countries