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یارا فایل

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Python programming for Arduino: develop practical Internet of things prototypes and applications with Arduino and Python

اختصاصی از یارا فایل Python programming for Arduino: develop practical Internet of things prototypes and applications with Arduino and Python دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Python programming for Arduino: develop practical Internet of things prototypes and applications with Arduino and Python

Python programming for Arduino: develop practical Internet of things prototypes and applications with Arduino and Python  Volume: Author(s):Desai, PratikSeries:Community experience distilledPeriodical: Publisher:Packt PublishingCity: Year:2015Edition: Language:EnglishPages (biblio\tech):400\576ISBN:1783285931, 9781783285938, 9781783285945, 178328594XID:1593756Time added:2016-12-07 07:00:00Time modified:2016-12-07 05:07:36Library: Library issue: Size:10 MB (10495032 bytes)Extension:pdf

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Python programming for Arduino: develop practical Internet of things prototypes and applications with Arduino and Python

قسمت6 برنامه نویسی پایتون

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قسمت6 برنامه نویسی پایتون

قسمت6 برنامه نویسی پایتون

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قسمت6 برنامه نویسی پایتون