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دانلود پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی با موضوع ترجمه عبارات اصطلاحی از انگلیسی به عربی

اختصاصی از یارا فایل دانلود پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی با موضوع ترجمه عبارات اصطلاحی از انگلیسی به عربی دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پرسرعت .

دانلود پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی با موضوع ترجمه عبارات اصطلاحی از انگلیسی به عربی

دانلود پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی با موضوع ترجمه عبارات اصطلاحی از انگلیسی به عربی

دانلود پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی با موضوع ترجمه عبارات اصطلاحی از انگلیسی به عربی که شامل 124 صفحه و بشرح زیر میباشد:

نوع فایل : PDF قابل ویرایش

Translating Idiomatic Expressions from English into Arabic

Table of Contents
Thesis Title 0
Authorization i
Thesis Committee Decision ii
Acknowledgments iii
Dedication v
Table of contents vi
List of Tables x
List of Appendices xi
English Abstract xii
Arabic Abstract xv
Chapter One
Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 6
1.3 Objectives of the Study 6
1.4 Questions of the Study 6
1.5 Significance of the Study 7
1.6 Limitations of the Study 8
1.7 Definition of Terms 8
Chapter Two
Review of Related Literature 9
2.0 Introduction 9
2.1 Review of Theoretical Literature 9
2.1.1 Translation, Culture and Types of Idiomatic Expressions 9
2.1.2 Difficulties Encountered in Translating Idiomatic Expressions 16
2.1.3 Techniques and Strategies Used in Translating Idiomatic Expressions 20
2.2 Empirical Studies 25
2.2.1 Studies Related to Cultural and Idiomatic Expressions, and Other Difficulties in Translation 26
2.2.2 Studies Related to Strategies and Techniques for Translating Idiomatic Expressions 32
Chapter Three
Methods and Procedures 35
3.0 Introduction 35
3.1 Population and Sample of the Study 35
3.2 Instruments of the Study 37
3.2.1 Translation Test 37
3.2.2 Interviews 39
3.3 Validity and Reliability of the Instruments 39
3.3.1 Validity of the Instruments 39
3.3.2 Reliability of the Instruments 40
3.4 Data Collection and Statistical Analysis 40
3.5 Procedures 41
Chapter Four
Results of the Study 43
4.0 Introduction 43
4.1 Results Related to the First Question 43
4.2 Views of Students and Translation Experts about the Major Challenges that M.A Students Encountered in Translating Idiomatic Expressions 63
4.3 Results Related to the Second Question 68
4.4 Results Related to the Third Question 71
Chapter Five
Discussion and Recommendations 75
5.0 Introduction 75
5.1 Discussion Related to the Findings of the First Question 75
5.2 Discussion Related to the Findings of the Second Question 79
5.3 Discussion Related to the Findings of the Third Question 82
5.4 Conclusions 84
5.5 Recommendations 86
5.6 Suggestions for future research 88
References 89
Appendices (A-H)

List of Tables Number Title Page Table 1
Demographic Characteristics of the Sample 36 Table 2
Participants’ Translation Performance in the English-Arabic Test 44
List of Appendices
Appendix A
MEU Letter of Permission 95
Appendix B
Interviewed Experts 96
Appendix C
Validation Committee 97
Appendix D
The Validation Letter 98
Appendix E
Demographic Data Questionnaire 99
Appendix F
English-Arabic Translation Test 100
Appendix G
Semi- Structured Interview Questions for Experts 106
Appendix H
Semi- Structured Interview Questions for M.A Students 107

This study aimed at investigating the challenges that M.A students encounter when translating idiomatic expressions. Particularly, it aimed at answering the following questions:
1- What are the major challenges that M.A students encounter in translating idiomatic expressions?
2- What factors cause such challenges?
3- What recommendations can be suggested to handle these challenges?
To achieve the goal of this study, the researcher selected a purposive sample that comprised 40 M.A students who were enrolled in the M.A program in two Jordanian Universities (i.e. Middle East University and Petra University)
during the second semester 2013/2014. The researcher designed a translation test that consisted of 20 statements which M.A students were asked to translate from English to Arabic. Each statement contained an idiomatic expression based on O'Dell and McCarthy's (2010) categorization of idioms namely: proverbs, metaphors, similes, and binomials. These statements represented different fields i.e. social, sports, scientific, media, educational, economic, political, and business. The researcher also conducted semi-structured interviews with students and experts in the field of translation to compile more information.
The results revealed that M.A students encounter different kinds of challenges when translating idiomatic expressions. These challenges are mostly related to inability to find a target language equivalent and unawareness of pragmatic, formal and semantic characteristics of idiomatic expressions, unawareness of the cultural differences between English and Arabic and unawareness of idioms’ categorization namely (proverbs, metaphor, similes and binomials).
Students and experts elaborated on the factors behind these challenges and through their answers it is clear that lack of awareness in the source language cultural patterns (traditions, habits, customs, ceremonies,
entertainments and social patterns and religious background), unawareness of the cultural differences, misusing the appropriate technique and the tendency to use literal translation that is in most cases not successful, using the paraphrasing technique rather than giving the target language equivalent and the use of idiomatic expressions in colloquial rather than standard language are the main reasons behind the failure in translating idiomatic expressions .


دانلود با لینک مستقیم

دانلود پایان نامه ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی The Role of Translation in the Production of International Print News

اختصاصی از یارا فایل دانلود پایان نامه ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی The Role of Translation in the Production of International Print News دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پرسرعت .

دانلود پایان نامه ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی The Role of Translation in the Production of International Print News

دانلود پایان نامه ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی The Role of Translation in the Production of International Print News

دانلود پایان نامه ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی The Role of Translation in the Production of International Print News که شامل 247 صفحه و بشرح زیر میباشد:

نوع فایل : PDF قابل ویرایش

The Role of Translation in the Production of International Print News
Three Case Studies in the Language Direction Spanish to English
Translation has become a key, albeit hidden factor in the success of international news as a
marketable commodity and one that is not overtly recognised by journalists. However,
despite the important socio-political role played by translation in the global circulation of
news, general principles governing processes of translation in its production have received
scant attention from both Media and Translation Studies researchers
The core to this study is to explore the complex set of processes that occur in the
translation of political news, and to discover what exactly happens at various points in regard
to who translates, what is translated, where it is translated and by whom it is translated. A
further goal is to ascertain the extent to which trained competent translators are involved, as
opposed to linguistically competent journalists, or, if that is not the case, whether indeed the
former should be involved in processes of news translation.
From a translation perspective the study explores the practice of newswriters
complying with common journalistic strategies such as simplification and reframing to suit
the needs of their readership for the maintenance of dominant political or cultural ideologies.
It also examines the extent to which disregard for, and removal from, original context, as well
as over- or under-emphasis of particular terms or phrases actually happens in translated news
texts in the Spanish-English context, and the effect that this may have at the point of
reception by the new readership.
By comparing three sub-corpora of journalistic source and target texts through critical
discourse analysis, and by taking into account translation processes through ethnographic
research in international news outlets, the ultimate goal is to identify the causes that can
trigger textual manipulation. Using three case studies comprising political news events that
were originally reported in Spanish at the source of the events, and which were subsequently
reported in UK and US national newspapers, the study investigates the extent to which
transformations occur through translation in the representation of political news events, how
they might occur, who is involved in the process and what effect any transformations might
have on readers.

Table of Contents
1.1 Aims, Rationale and Relevance of this Study 4
1.2 Methodological Framework 7
1.3 Research Questions 9
1.4 Chapter Outline 13
2.1 News Translation in Translation Studies – a Theoretical Framework 17
2.1.1 Functionalist Approaches 20
2.1.2 The “Cultural Turn” in Translation Studies 24
2.1.3 Lefevere’s Theory of Rewriting 27
2.1.4 Descriptive Translation Studies 30
2.1.5 Defining ‘News Translation’ 34
2.2 Globalisation and the Media 41
2.2.1 News Agencies as Agents of Globalisation 41
2.2.2 Transparency versus Invisibility 44
2.2.3 Homogeneity and Diversity in the Circulation of News 46
2.3 Translation in the Production of International News 51
2.3.1 The News Gathering and Dissemination Process 52
2.3.2 Translation and the Translator in News Gathering and Dissemination 58
2.3.3 The Processes Involved in Textual Transformation 65
2.3.4 Regulatory Processes in the Dissemination of International News 68
2.3.5 Translator and Translation Competence in Media Contexts 73
2.4 The Discourse of News 83
2.4.1 News as a Social Construct 84
2.4.2 Ideologies in the Discourse of News Reports 87
Research Methodology 97
3.1 Research Type 98
3.2 Research Models 99
3.3 Data Collection 102
3.4 Case Study as a Research Tool 104
3.5 Field Research 105
3.6 Data Analysis 109
3.7 Translation-Orientated Approaches to Text and Discourse Analysis 109
3.8 What is Critical Discourse Analysis? 114
3.9 Theoretical Objections to the Use of CDA in Translated Texts 122
3.10 The Application of CDA in this Study 126
Case Studies and Analysis 133
4.1 Case Study One – Manuel Zelaya’s ‘Referendum’ 136
4.2 Case Study Two – Prospecting for Oil in the Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas 167
4.3 Case Study Three – Spain’s Economic Crisis 177
4.4 Conclusions from Case Studies 185
5 Findings and Conclusions 193
5.1 Main Findings 193
5.2 Challenges and Limitations of the Study 203
5.3 Further Research 206
Bibliography 213
Appendices 231
1 Questions for Unstructured Interviews – Newspaper and Agency Journalists 231
2 Questions for Unstructured Interviews – Newspaper Editors 233
3 Newspaper Extracts Pertaining to Case Study One 234
4 Newspaper Extracts Pertaining to Case Study Two 239
5 Newspaper Extracts Pertaining to Case Study Three 240

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دانلود پایان نامه ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی

اختصاصی از یارا فایل دانلود پایان نامه ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پرسرعت .

دانلود پایان نامه ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی

دانلود پایان نامه ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی

دانلود پایان نامه ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی با عنوان A generic framework for Arabic to English machine translation of simplex sentences using the Role and Reference Grammar linguistic model که شامل 191 صفحه و بشرح زیر میباشد:

نوع فایل : PDF قابل ویرایش

A generic framework for Arabic to English machine translation of simplex sentences using the Role and Reference Grammar linguistic model

The aim of this research is to develop a rule-based lexical framework for Arabic language
processing using the Role and Reference Grammar linguistic model. A system, called
UniArab is introduced to support the framework. The UniArab system for Modern Standard
Arabic (MSA), which takes MSA Arabic as input in the native orthography, parses
the sentence(s) into a logical meta-representation, and using this, generates a grammatically
correct English output with full agreement and morphological resolution. UniArab
utilizes an XML-based implementation of elements of the Role and Reference Grammar
theory, and its representations for the universal logical structure of Arabic sentences.
Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) is a functional theory of grammar that posits a
direct mapping between the semantic representation of a sentence and its syntactic representation.
The theory allows a sentence in a specific language to be described in terms
of its logical structure and grammatical procedures. RRG creates a linking relationship
between syntax and semantics, and can account for how semantic representations are
mapped into syntactic representations. We claim that RRG is highly suitable for machine
translation of Arabic via an Interlingua bridge implementation model. RRG is a mono
strata–theory, positing only one level of syntactic representation, the actual form of the
sentence and its linking algorithm can work in both directions from syntactic representation
to semantic representation, or vice versa. In RRG, semantic decomposition of predicates
and their semantic argument structures are represented as logical structures. The
lexicon in RRG takes the position that lexical entries for verbs should contain unique information
only, with as much information as possible derived from general lexical rules.
For this reason and due to the functional nature of our linguistic model, we will create
our own lexicon.
We use the RRG theory to motivate the architecture of the lexicon and the RRG bidirectional
linking system to design and implement the parse and generate functions between
the syntax-semantic interfaces. Through an input process with seven phases, including
morphological and syntactic unpacking, UniArab extracts the universal logical structure
of an Arabic sentence. Using the XML based metadata representing the RRG logical
structure (XRRG), UniArab accurately generates an equivalent grammatical sentence in
the target language through four output phases. We outline the conceptual structure of
the UniArab System which utilizes the framework and translates the Arabic language
into another natural language. We follow the Interlingua design approach for machine
translation. We analyse the Arabic sentences to create a universal, abstract logical representation,
and from this representation we generate English translations.
We also explore how the characteristics of the Arabic language will affect the development
of a Machine Translation (MT) tool. Several characteristics of Arabic pertinent
to MT will be explored in detail with reference to some potential difficulties that they
present. We will conclude with a proposed model incorporating the Role and Reference
Grammar techniques to achieve this end. The UniArab system has been tested by generating
equivalent grammatical sentences, in English, via the universal logical structure of
Arabic sentences, based on MSA Arabic input with very significant and accurate results.
It provides more accurate translations when compared with automated translators from
Google and Microsoft though these systems have a much wider coverage than UniArab
at present. The free word order nature of Arabic and the challenges of incorporating transitivity
into the logical structure will be outlined in detail. This research demonstrates the
capabilities of the Role and Reference Grammar as a base for multilingual translation

Abstract iii
Declaration iv
Acknowledgements vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation...... 4
1.2 Goals..... 4
1.3 Technologies...... 5
1.4 Thesis organization... 6
2 The Arabic Language 8
2.1 Characteristics of the Arabic language.... 9
2.2 Characteristics of Arabic words.. 11
2.2.1 Free word order.... 12
2.3 Part of speech inventory of the Arabic language.... 14
2.3.1 Noun...... 14 Definite nouns.. 15
CONTENTS Indefinite nouns.... 16
2.3.2 Adjectives..... 16
2.3.3 Adverbs.....16
2.3.4 Verbs...... 17 Verb tenses.. 17 Aspect.. 19 Mood.... 19 Voice.... 20 Transitivity.. 20
2.3.5 Demonstratives.... 21
2.3.6 Others...... 21
2.4 Sentence types in Arabic.. 22
2.4.1 Equational sentences.. 22 Verb and noun.. 23 Verb and two nouns.... 23 Verb and three nouns.. 24 Verb and four nouns.... 24
2.4.2 The Verbal Sentence.. 24
2.4.3 Clause...... 25
2.5 Summary...... 25
3 Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) 27
3.1 Role and Reference Grammar linguistic model.. 28
3.2 Formal representation of layered structure of the clause... 31
3.2.1 Representing the universal aspects of the layered structure of the
clause...... 31
3.2.2 Layered structure of the clause (LSC).. 32
3.2.3 Non-universal aspects of the layered structure of the clause..32
3.3 Noun phrase structure....36
3.3.1 NP headed... 38
3.4 Lexical representations for verbs.. 38
3.4.1 Agents, effectors, instruments and forces.. 39
3.4.2 change of state verb.. 40
3.5 Why we use RRG as the linguistic model... 41
3.5.1 RRG representing the universal aspects of the layered structure
of the clause....42
3.5.2 The lexical representation of verbs and their arguments..43
3.6 Summary...... 44
4 Machine translation strategies 46
4.1 Advantages of machine translation.... 47
4.2 Computational techniques in MT.. 47
4.2.1 System design.... 48
4.2.2 Interactive systems.... 48
4.2.3 Lexical databases.. 49
4.2.4 Tokens and tokenization.. 49
4.2.5 Syntactic analysis (Parsing).. 50
4.3 Basic machine translation strategies.. 50
4.3.1 Multilingual versus bilingual systems.. 50
4.3.2 Direct translation.. 51
4.3.3 Interlingua... 52
4.3.4 Transfer systems.. 53
4.3.5 Statistical machine translation.... 56
4.4 Linguistic aspects of MT.. 56
4.4.1 Non-Roman alphabet scripts.. 57
4.4.2 Lexical ambiguity.... 57 Category ambiguity.... 57 Homograph.... 58
4.4.3 Syntactic ambiguity.. 58
4.4.4 Structural differences.. 60
4.5 Challenges of Arabic to English MT.. 60
4.6 Generation...... 62
4.6.1 Generation in direct systems.. 62
4.6.2 Generation in transfer-based systems.. 63
4.6.3 Generation in interlingua systems... 64
4.7 Summary...... 65
5 Design of Arabic to English machine translation system based on RRG 67
5.1 UniArab: Interlingua-based system.... 68
5.2 Designing an XML lexicon architecture for Arabic MT based on RRG..69
5.2.1 An XML-based lexicon.... 70
5.2.2 Lexical representation in UniArab... 70
5.2.3 Lexical properties.. 71
5.3 Design of test strategy.... 74
5.4 Design of evaluation criteria.. 77
5.5 Summary...... 78
6 UniArab: a proof-of-concept Arabic to English machine translation system 79
6.1 Conceptual structure of the UniArab system.... 80
6.1.1 Technical architecture of the UniArab system.....81
6.1.2 UniArab: Lexical representation in interlingua system... 84
6.2 UniArab: Lexical representation in interlingua system based on RRG..86
6.2.1 Verb.....86
6.2.2 Common noun.... 88
6.2.3 Proper noun... 88
6.2.4 Adjective..... 89
6.2.5 Demonstrative.... 90
6.2.6 Adverb.....91
6.2.7 Other Arabic words.... 92
6.3 UniArab: Generation....92
6.4 UniArab: Screen design.... 94
6.4.1 Lexicon interface.. 97
6.5 Technical challenges....98
6.6 Summary...... 99
7 Testing and evaluation 100
7.1 Evaluation of MT systems.... 100
7.2 Sentence tests...... 101
7.2.1 Verb-Subject with one argument in different tenses..102
7.2.2 Gender-ambiguous proper nouns.. 106
7.2.3 Verb ‘to be’... 108
7.2.4 Verb ‘to have’....110
7.2.5 Free word order.... 112
7.2.6 Pro-drop..... 115
7.2.7 Transitivity of verbs.. 116 Intransitive.. 116 Transitive.. 118 Ditransitive.... 119
7.2.8 Limitation of UniArab.... 122
7.3 System evaluation..... 125
7.4 Summary...... 128
8 Conclusion 129
8.1 Thesis summary.....131
8.2 Summary of thesis contributions.. 132
8.3 Future work.....133
References 134
Appendix 140
A The author’s publications related to this research 140
B Buckwalter Arabic transliteration 142
C List of translatable sentences 145
D Verbs in lexicon 161
E The UniArab code 170
List of Figures
2.1 A classification for the Arabic language syntax.... 14
2.2 A classification of clauses in the Arabic language.. 22
3.1 Layout of Role and Reference Grammar.. 29
3.2 Arabic sentence types; verb subject object or subject verb object (for
gloss please see example 3.1).. 30
3.3 Formal representation of the layered structure of the clause...31
3.4 English Sentence with precore slot and left-detached position... 33
3.5 Operator projection in LSC.... 34
3.6 LSC with constituent and operator projections.. 35
3.7 Arabic LSC.....36
3.8 The RRG representing the universal aspects of the layered structure of
the clause (Van Valin and LaPolla 1997).. 42
4.1 Direct MT system... 51
4.2 Interlingua1 model with eight languages pairs.. 52
4.3 Multilinguality transfer model with eight languages pairs.. 54
4.4 Difference between direct, transfer, and interlinguaMT models, (Trujillo 1999) 55
4.5 NP rule (NP –> det n pp).. 59
4.6 PP is attached at a higher level.... 59
4.7 Direct MT system... 63
4.8 Semantic generation... 64
4.9 Structure to be generated.. 65
4.10 Interlingua model of Arabic MT.. 66
5.1 The conceptual architecture of the UniArab system.. .. 68
5.2 Information recorded in the UniArab lexicon.. 72
6.1 Layout of Role and Reference Grammar.. 79
6.2 The conceptual architecture of the UniArab system.....80
6.3 Generation the right tense for the verbs.... 84
6.4 Information recorded on the Arabic verb.. 87
6.5 Information recorded on the Arabic noun... 88
6.6 Information recorded on the Arabic proper noun.... 89
6.7 Information recorded on the Arabic adjective.. 90
6.8 Information recorded on the Arabic demonstrative......91
6.9 Information recorded on the Arabic adverb.. 91
6.10 Information recorded on the other Arabic words.... 92
6.11 UniArab’s GUI 1..... 95
6.12 UniArab’s GUI 2..... 96
6.13 UniArab’s GUI 3..... 97
6.14 UniArab’s lexicon interface.... 98
7.1 Verb-Subject with one argument.. 102
7.2 Verb-Subject with one argument.. 103
7.3 Verb-subject agreement 1.. 104
7.4 Verb-subject agreement 2.. 105
7.5 Gender-ambiguous proper nouns 1.... 106
7.6 Gender-ambiguous proper nouns 2.... 107
7.7 Verb ‘to be’ 1...... 108
7.8 Verb ‘to be’ 2...... 109
7.9 Verb ‘to have’ 1.....110
7.10 Verb ‘to have’ 2.....111
7.11 Free word order (Verb Noun Noun scenario one).. 112
7.12 Free word order (Verb Noun Noun scenario two).. 113
7.13 Free word order (Verb Noun Noun scenario three).. 114
7.14 Pro-drop........ 115
7.15 Intransitive.....116
7.16 Intransitive with an adverb.... 117
7.17 Transitive...... 118
7.18 Ditransitive 1...... 119
7.19 Ditransitive with 2 NP.... 120
7.20 Ditransitive with preposition.. 121
7.21 Limitation of UniArab 1.. 122
7.22 Limitation of UniArab 2.. 123
7.23 Limitation of UniArab 3.. 124
List of Tables
2.1 Dual: merely add two letters to achieve dual form in Arabic.. 10
2.2 Grammatical gender....11
2.3 Feminine is different than masculine.. 12
2.4 Feminine and masculine in Arabic.... 12
2.5 Definiteness in Arabic.... 12
2.6 Definiteness example in Arabic.. 12
2.7 Free word order.....13
2.8 Noun example in Arabic.. 15
2.9 Definite example in Arabic.... 15
2.10 Indefinite example in Arabic.. 16
2.11 Arabic adjective..... 16
2.12 Arabic adverb...... 16
2.13 Imperfect tense
2.14 Perfect tense... 17
2.15 Imperfect inflectional forms of word ‘write’.... 18
2.16 Perfect inflectional forms of word ‘wrote’... 18
2.17 Future tense in Arabic.... 18
2.18 Indicative mood..... 19
2.19 Subjunctive mood... 19
2.20 Jussive mood...... 19
2.21 Imperative mood..... 20
2.22 Particle ‘Lan’...... 21
2.23 Nominal sentence..... 23
2.24 Kan and its sisters wth¯a.... 23
2.25 zanna and its sisters wth¯a.... 24
2.26 Informed and showed....24
2.27 verb(V), subject(S) and object(O).... 25
2.28 subject(S), verb(V) and object(O).... 25
2.29 verb(V), object(O) and subject(S).... 25
2.30 Two simple clauses by subordinating conjunction.. 25
3.1 Relationships between the semantic and syntactic units... 32
3.2 Lexical representations for the basic Aktionsart classes... 38
4.1 Modules required in an all-pairs multilingual transfer system.. 54
4.2 Derived words from a three-letter-root in Arabic.. 61
5.1 Verb 1..... 73
5.2 Verb 2..... 74
5.3 Test strategy: verb-subject agreement.... 75
5.4 Test strategy: demonstrative adjective-noun agreement... 75
5.5 Test strategy: gender-ambiguous proper nouns.... 75
5.6 Test strategy: verb ‘to be’.... 76
5.7 Test strategy: verb ‘to have’.. 76
5.8 Test strategy: free word order (Verb Noun Noun).. 77
5.9 Test strategy: pro–drop.... 77
6.1 Verb 1..... 87
6.2 Verb 2..... 87
6.3 Noun..... 88
6.4 Proper Noun...... 89
6.5 Adjective...... 89
6.6 Demonstrative representative.. 90
6.7 Adverb........ 91
6.8 Other Arabic words (where ‘NON’ means not applicable).... 92
7.1 Test : Verb-Subject; one argument.... 102
7.2 Test : Verb-subject; agreement 1.. 103
7.3 Test : verb-subject; agreement 2.. 104
7.4 Test : Gender-ambiguous proper nouns 1... 106
7.5 Test : gender-ambiguous proper nouns 2.. 107
7.6 Test : Verb ‘to be’ 1....108
7.7 Test : Verb ‘to be’ 2....109
7.8 Test : Verb ‘to have’ 1.... 110
7.9 Test : Verb ‘to have’ 2.... 111
7.10 Test : Free word order (Verb Noun Noun scenario one)... 112
7.11 Test : Free word order (Verb Noun Noun scenario two)... 113
7.12 Test : Free word order (Verb Noun Noun scenario three)..114
7.13 Test: Pro-drop.....115
7.14 Test : Intransitive 1... 116
7.15 Test : Intransitive 2... 117
7.16 Test : Transitive..... 118
7.17 Test : Ditransitive 1... 119
7.18 Test : Ditransitive with 2 NP.. 120
7.19 Test : Ditransitive with preposition.. 121
7.20 Test : Limitation of UniArab.. 122
7.21 Test : Limitation of UniArab 3 using non existing nonsense word..124

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پروپوزال رشته مترجمی زبان











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روش انجام تحقیق

منابع تحقیق

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در زیر به بخشی از این فایل اشاره شده است :


Provide industry with guidelines on the evolutions of telecommunications management solutions for next generation networks.

Identify key areas for standardisation and provide sector agreed (in the European context) submissions to the standards bodies.


The management group proposes to provide three distinct outputs from its work.

            A roadmap for the evolution of telecommunications management systems and emerging architecture frameworks.

            A specification of Inter-domain QoS solutions for next generation network

            The management of content distribution for next generation multimedia networks.


The work will produce a set of deliverable containing the results of this work. The target audience will define the shape and content of the deliverables.

In the case of the roadmap defined for 1, the deliverable will be targeted at key technical managers in the telecommunications applications software industry. Its aim is to provide sufficient guidelines to enable organisations to plan for people development and development platform needs in the context of these new networks and services.

In the case of the inter-domain QoS question of point 2, the approach is to bring together experts in the area of QoS management to provide a consensus on the key issues and solutions that are presented for QoS of to-days emerging networks. The focus of the debate is on QoS assurance for single domain networks. The proposal is to use that work and the expertise of the people carry out that work to specify QoS solutions for inter-domain management systems. The Deliverable output will be a set of positions papers targeted at the appropriate standards bodies as identified by the working group. Partners in the working group will be elected to champion the output within the standards bodies working group.


این پروپوزال کاملا استاندارد است و با فرمت (word) قابل ویرایش به شما ارائه می‌شود.

- مناسب جهت ارائه برای درس روش تحقیق

- مناسب برای دانشجویانی که می‌خواهند با نگارش استاندارد پروپوزال نویسی آشنا شوند.


( اگر بیش از یک پروپوزال نیاز دارید برای مشاهده لیست پروپوزال ها اینجا کلیک کنید)


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